Public Agenda
TYPE: New Regular Meeting
DATE: 3/17/2025 TIME: 6:30 PM
LOCATION: Mayflower Room, PPS Central Offices
6:30 PM 1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Chairperson's Call to Order Info
1.2 Pledge of Allegiance Info
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
1.3 Land Acknowledgement Info
"We acknowledge that we are meeting on the unceded ancestral homeland of Indigenous People whose enduring presence we humbly recognize. We honor the Wôpanâak People as the original stewards and the Herring Pond Wôpanâak as the surviving tribe indigenous to these lands. In our commitment to lifelong learning, we acknowledge historical injustices to the native people of this land and vow to educate ourselves, our community, and our students on the First Peoples and the hardships they endured. We offer this as a small, but essential, step towards building a culture of respect, truth, and accountability."
6:31 PM 2.0 Executive Session
2.1 Executive Session - Collective Bargaining Action
To discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Committee and the chair so declares pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21(a)(3), and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the School Committee enters Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining where an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Committee, pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21(a)(3).
2.2 Reconvene to Open Session Action
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
Reconvene to Open Session
7:01 PM 3.0 Informational Items
3.1 Welcome: Xi'an Gaoxin No. 1 High School Students Info
School Committee will welcome Xi'an Gaoxin No. 1 high school students.
7:06 PM 4.0 Comments from the General Public
4.1 Comments from Community Members Info
To receive comments from members of the Plymouth community.
7:11 PM 5.0 Student Representative Reports
A) Plymouth North High School
5.1 Anna King - PNHS Student Representative
PNHS Student Representative Report
B) Plymouth South High School
5.2 Shea Braz - PSHS Student Representative
PSHS Student Representative Report
7:18 PM 6.0 School Committee Matters
A) Out-of-Town, Overnight or International Field Trips
6.1 PNHS International Field Trip Request - Sevilla, Spain - 4/16-25/2026
To receive recommendation(s) relative to the proposed Plymouth North High School international field trip, and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the proposed Plymouth North High School international field trip to Sevilla, Spain be accepted and approved as presented.
7:34 PM 7.0 School Improvement Plans
7.1 Plymouth Community Intermediate School - SIP Info
To receive a report from Plymouth Community Intermediate School relative to the 2024-2025 School Improvement Plan.
7.2 Plymouth South Middle School - SIP Info
To receive a report from Plymouth South Middle School relative to the 2024-2025 School Improvement Plan.
8:14 PM 8.0 Communications
A) Superintendent's Report
8.1 Reports and Proposals from the Superintendent
- Education Secretary Tutwiler / Governor's Office: Visit to Plymouth - Children’s Business Fair - MSBA Orientation Meeting - MASS Legislative Breakfast - Getting Ready for Kindergarten Family Presentation, Wednesday, March 19th - COPC Presentation, Thursday, March 20th
B) Retirement Announcements
8.2 Retirements
To recognize employees who have declared their intention to retire.
8:26 PM 9.0 Reports
A) Committee Member Reports
9.1 Reports and Proposals from Committee Members
9.2 Master Planning Committee Update
B) Plymouth Building Committee Reports
9.3 Report from the Plymouth Building Committee Liaison
C) Personnel Reports
9.4 Appointments, Leaves of Absence, and Resignations
To receive a report from Human Resources relative to recent appointments, leaves of absence, and resignations.
8:39 PM 10.0 Unfinished and New Business
10.1 Unfinished Business Info
10.2 New Business Info
8:46 PM 11.0 Approval of Consent Agenda Action
11.1 Approval of Consent Agenda Action
To vote upon all housekeeping items included in the Consent Agenda
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That Plymouth School Committee approve the 03/17/2025 Consent Agenda as presented.
A) Minutes
11.2 Regular Session Minutes March 3, 2025
March 3, 2025 Minutes
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
Approve as presented.
B) Schedule of Bills
11.3 Accounts Payable Warrant #S031325
To receive Cost Center Transfer and Transaction Summary Report and Schedule of Bills, FY25 Accounts Payable Warrant #S031325 for review and take the necessary action(s).
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
That the Plymouth School Committee accept and approve the Report and Accounts Payable Warrant #S031325, dated March 7, 2025, in the amount of $1,843,179.27, as presented.
8:51 PM 12.0 Items Pulled from Consent Agenda
12.1 Items Pulled From Consent Agenda Action
School Committee will vote on items pulled from consent agenda.
  Superintendent's Recommendation:
To approve items pulled from consent agenda as revised.
8:52 PM 13.0 Adjournment
13.1 Chairperson's Adjournment Info
To adjourn the regular meeting of the Plymouth School Committee.
8:53 PM 14.0 Public Hearings
In compliance with Open Meeting Law, this agenda lists all topics that the chair reasonably anticipates, 48 hours in advance, will be discussed at the meeting.